Sur L'Enkystement D'un Thigmotriche Ancistrumide: Proboveria loripedis Chatton et Lwoof et les Phenomenes Qui L'Accompagnent

Robinson Street Books: Used and Rare Books
Title Sur L'Enkystement D'un Thigmotriche Ancistrumide: Proboveria loripedis Chatton et Lwoof et les Phenomenes Qui L'Accompagnent
Author Chatton, Edouard and Andre Lwoff
Publisher omptes rendus des seances de la Societe de biologie (s?ance du 6 mars 1937 Tome CXXIV. Annee 1937, page 807
Condition Very Good
Description Offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de la Societe de biologie (séance du 6 mars 1937 Tome CXXIV. Annee 1937, page 807. Offprint. First separate edition. Some nicks to edges, else very good. * Lwoff was awarded a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1965 for the discovery of the mechanism that some viruses use to infect bacteria.


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