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- (Music, New York School) 29" x 22" poster for the 1976 benefit Dudjohn Rinpoche which included: John Cage, Jackie Curtis, Philip Glass, Les Levine, Taylor Mead, Meredith Monk, Patti Smith, Anne Waldman, and Robert Wilson.
- 10 offprints by Don Wayne Fawcett 1947-1974 The Fine Structure of Bat Spermatozoa and others
- 10 Offprints by M. Demerec including "Studies of the Streptomycin-Resistance Systems of Mutations in E. Coli"
- 10 offprints Edward G. Conklin
- 10 offprints from Hugo Braun issued while in Turkey
- 10 offprints from Nobel Prize winner E. B. Lewis
- 10 offprints Naomasa Shimotomai 1928-1933
- 100 Steps to Better Health: Most of the Facts We Need to Know to Achieve a Healthy Life
- 109 numbers in 94 volumes from UC Publications in Zoology 1911-1933
- 11 offprints by Nobel Prize winner George D. Snell
- 11 offprints of which 9 are inscribed presentation copies to Hamton L. Carson signed by Nevo
- 11 offprints Raphael Ed. Liesegang
- 11 offprints William E. Castle on Heredity and Mendelism
- 116 offprints dating from 1940-1980 by Min Chueh Chang from the Robert H. Foote collection(researcher in In Vitro fertilization at Cornell)
- 12 offprints by Thomas Hunt Morgan
- 12 offprints from Nobel Prize winner Joshua Lederberg
- 12 offprints of George Harrison Shull a few inscribed to Carl Correns
- 13 19th century offprints from Ch. Wardell Stiles
- 14 offprints Reginald R. Gates geneticist, botanist
- 14 Tobacco offprints. Honing, J.A. Wageningen dated 1914-1939
- 15 offprints by Ernest B. Babcock American plant geneticist
- 17 offprints by Oscar Riddle American biologist
- 17 volumes Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Incl. Crick and Watson DNA
- 170 issues of the Bi-Monthly The American Naturalist a broken run from 1959 through 1988
- 18 offprints of American zoologist G. H. Parker
- 19 offprints from Tine Tammes 1913-1934
- 19 offprints of Albert F. Blakeslee American botanist 1874-1954
- 2 offprints by Max Delbruck
- 2 offprints C. S. Minot On Heredity and Rejuvenation and First Report of the Committee on Experimental Psychology
- 2 offprints Die Stammesgeschichte der Tierwelt. Sonderabdruck aus dem Lehrbuch der Zoologie 1898 and Die Stilcharaktere am Urodaum und Phallus 1907
- 2 offprints of Richard Goldschmidt Intersexuality and the Endocrine Aspect of Sex and Vorlaufige Mitteilung uber weitere Versuche zur Verebung und Bestimmung des Geschlechts
- 2 offprints Oscar Hertwig German Zoologist 1850-1937
- 2 rare offprints On the Structure and Homologies of the Germinal Layers of the Embryo 1880, 1. On the Structure and Homologies of the Germinal Layers of the Embryo 2. Larval Forms: Their Nature, Origin and Affinities
- 20 offprints mostly cotton genetics Joseph Burtt Hutchinson 3 inscribed 2 signed
- 20 scarce offprints from Artificial Insemination Pioneer John Hammond 6 inscribed
- 21 offprints dated 1914 ? 1940. 2 with the author's compliments R.C. Punnett
- 22 offprints by Joshua Lederberg mostly with Franz Schrader signature of ownership
- 22 offprints by Viktor Hamburger. One with Rita Levi-Montalcini
- 24 offprints Fertility, Birth Control Pill: Pincus, Chang, Guttmacher, Rock, Masters
- 24 offprints from 1910-1932 A.H. Sturtevant
- 26 rare offprints by Lord Rothschild and others including Vapour Pressure Changes in the Frog's Egg at Fertilization
- 27 offprints by Sewall Wright 1932-1969
- 3 offprints Aime Schneider one is inscribed
- 3 offprints by William Bateson The Inheritance of the Peculiar Pigmentation of the Silky Fowl and others
- 3 typed manuscripts poems signed by Gerard Malanga
- 30 offprints Curt Kosswig
- 30 offprints S. de Toledo Piza Junior
- 32 offprints C. D. Darlington English biologist geneticist and eugenicist
- 32 rare offprints by creators of the first Oral Contraceptive Chang, Pincus, Rock, and others
- 34 offprints Eugenics genetics by Samuel Jackson Holmes 1868-1964
- 34 offprints from Carl C. Lindegren
- 36 offprints from Nobel Prize winner Thomas Hunt Morgan
- 37 offprints. 1916-1934 Edward Murray East 1879-1938 American Plant Geneticist and Botanist.
- 37 original offprints from Nobel Prize winner S. E. Luria
- 4 Erwin Baur offprints with envelope containing 7 original photographs of plants marked Baur
- 4 offprints by Nobel Prize winner N. Tinbergen
- 4 offprints including: Hereditary Osteopetrosis of the Rabbit: I, II, III, IV
- 4 offprints Max Hartmann
- 4 offprints Theodore H. Hubbell Zoology one signed
- 4 scarce offprints by Jo Hin Tjio: Some Experiences with Acetic Orcein in Animal Chromosomes and 2 others
- 40 offprints from Brazilian Geneticist S. De Toledo Piza Junior 1939-1953
- 40 offprints Hitoshi Katara 2 signed a few inscribed 1925-1953
- 40 offprints Jean Brachet one signed and inscribed to E. B. Wilson
- 43 Offprints by C.D. Darlington 1929-1959
- 45 offprints of Plant geneticist George H. Shull 1874-1954
- 5 offprints by William Bateson including Heredity
- 5 offprints Charles Sedgwick Minot One inscribed
- 5 offprints Hugo de Vries
- 52 offprints. Albert Levan Botanist and Geneticist
- 54 offprints, reprints Hermann J. Muller Nobel Prize winner
- 6 offprints Charles Chamberlain Hurst English Geneticist
- 6 scarce offprints by Eduard Strasburger 19th Century botanist
- 6 volumes of Peterson Field Guides including: Birds of the Eastern United States, Western's Birds' Nests, Birds of Texas, Birds of the American West, Mexican Birds, Hawks
- 7 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Symposium reprints
- 7 offprints G. A. Levitsky 2 inscribed presentation copies signed
- 7 offprints G. A. Levitsky 4 inscribed copies signed
- 7 rare offprints by Nobel Prize Winner Charles Huggins
- 7 scarce offprints J. E. Duerden, few South Africa imprint
- 71 offprints William E. Castle early geneticist
- 72 issues of Systematic Zoology 1952-1969
- 75 offprints by L. C. Dunn American geneticist
- 75 original offprints from 1895-1935 Charles B. Davenport
- 8 offprints by Jaques Loeb 1859-1924 Physiologist and biologist
- 8 offprints including: Studies in Edema V. The Effect of Calcium Chloride, Adrenalin and Myocarditic Lesions upon the Blood Pressure in Animals Injected Intravenously with Sodium Choride Solution.
- 8 offprints O. Rosenberg 2 inscribed to Carl Correns
- 8 pamphlets by O. F. Cook on evolution, botany, Agronomy
- 9 offprints by E.B. Lewis
- 9 offprints E. B. Ford one inscribed signed "Henry" most others having Arthur James Cain's monograpm initials
- 9 offprints S. E. Luria Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology or Medicine 1969
- A Biological Dictionary for Mathematicians (Biographical Dictionary of Mathematicians)
- A Carnegie Anthology
- A collection of 67 offprints by Geneticist Walter Landauer
- A Comparitive View on the Chromosome
- A crimson fountain for Harlingscourt
- A crimson fountain for Harlingscourt
- A Criticism of the Evidence for the Mutation Theory of De Vries from the Behavior of Species of Oenothera in Crosses and in Selfed Lines
- A Cytological and a Genetical Study of Petunia IV. Pollen Grains and the Method of Studying Them
- A Cytological and a Genetical Study of Petunia V The Inheritance of Color in Pollen
- A Cytological Basis for the Mendelian Laws
- A Few Cases of Meristic Variation in the Common Toad and an Isopod
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- Books bought cash paid 607-217-4328 IMMEDIATE PAYMENT
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- Earth Day save books from the landfill.
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- History of Science, PaJaMo, Three Man Paper
- Home of theLargest inventory of original rare 19th and 20th century offprints in private hands
- January New years 20% check out code sale ABC NEW YEAR CODE
- Just back from sorting 50 boxes of fine volumes. Much work ahead this week
- Letter from Michael F. Guyer to Thomas H. Morgan in re Guyer being pre- Boveri-Sutton
- Local pickup of our online inventory option at our Robinson Street Office
- metal scrappers have a few choices to sell to People with books have us
- Min Chueh Chang Co-Developer of Oral Contraceptives.
- New Make an Offer feature
- Our History of science Collection mostly from Sewall Wight via Will Provine
- Over 135,000 Used and Rare Books more added daily
- overheard in Binghamton
- Recently Found checking over our books. SAVE KNOWLEDGE FEED THE HUNGRY ROBINSON STREET BOOKS 607-217-4328
- Robinson Street Books is home to rare books, manuscripts, in many subjects
- Robinson Street Books pledges 5% of every sale over this website will go to programs that fight hunger
- SALE of BOOK donations through our site allowed us to add CHOW again TO OUR GRANT TO FIGHT HUNGER CAMPAIGN sending $100
- SALE of BOOK donations through our site allowed us to add CHOW TO OUR GRANT TO FIGHT HUNGER CAMPAIGN sending $100
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- Scientific Reprint Collections Conference American Philosophical Society 1984 with comments by Will Provine and others
- Selling books at auction or to Robinson Street books
- shipping over $50 free domestic standard shipping
- Spring Cleaning. Need New Home for your books 607-217-4328
- Strand in Manhattan Playing Catch-up to Robinson Street Books in Binghamton
- Summer 30% off clearance sale continues no code needed at checkout
- The reason we saved thousands of science offprints from an uncertain fate are embodied in Stephen Hawking's recent statement
- We are dedicated to the survival of the physical book
- What does Robinson Street Books do for Binghamton that Thrift Books and Better World Books doesn't?
- With the acquisition of the Provine collection in 2013 we became the repository of the largest history of science collection in private hands
Updated by Sitemapper at 3/28/2025 6:38:47 AM -04:00