
Ronald A. Fisher 16 rare offprints 1934 to 1953 Crossing-Over in the Land of Snail Cepaea Nemoralis, L.

$7,500.00 USD
TitleRonald A. Fisher 16 rare offprints 1934 to 1953 Crossing-Over in the Land of Snail Cepaea Nemoralis, L.
AuthorFisher, R. A. Ronald A. Fisher and others E. B. Ford
PublisherVarious, 1934 to
Publisher Year1953
ConditionVery Good
Description First separate edition. Offprint. Original wrappers. A large selection of rare R.A. Fisher offprints including: Modern Genetics (British Science News Vol. 1 No. 10, pages 2-4 folded slight split. Karl Sax stamp; Crossing-Over in the Land of Snail Cepaea Nemoralis, L. with Capt. C. Diver (1934); On The Selective Consequences of East's (1927) Theory of Heterostylism in Lythrum (1935) with E. M. East and Karl Sax ownership stamps; The Detection of Linkage with "Dominant" Abnormalities (1935) Karl Sax and E. M. East stamps; The Relation Between Variability and Abundance Shown by the Measurements of the Eggs of British Nesting Birds (1937) some soiling to front cover and several pages edges; The Quantitative Study of Populations in the Lepidoptera I. Polyommatus Icarus Rott. with W. H. Dowdeswell and E. B. Ford (1940) F. B. Hutt stamp; The Estimation of the Proportion of Recessives from Tests Carried Out on A Sample Not Wholly Unrelated (1940); The Theoretical Consequences of Polyploid Inheritance for the Mid Style Form of Lythrum Salicaria (1941); The Polygene Concept (1942); Number of Self-Sterility Alleles (1947) some soiling; A Quantitative Theory of Genetic Recombination and Chiasma Formation (1948); A Preliminary Linkage Test with Agouti and Undulated Mice (1949) Karl Sax stamp; Statistical Methods in Genetics (1952) J.H. Quisenberry blind stamp; Sex Differences of Crossing-Over in Close Linkage (1952) slight tear to edge. Quisenberry blind stamp; Population Genetics (Croonian Lecture) Quisenberry blind stamp (1953); The Linkage of Polydactyly with Leaden in the House-Mouse (1953) stamp removal ghost front cover. Karl Sax stamp. Mostly in very good condition. * Provenance William B. Provine
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